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Get a Sneek Peek Into Blogger’s Latest Features

blogger in draftIf you’re an early adopter or just curious about the newest Blogger features which have yet to be released, then you should give Blogger in Draft a try. Blogger in Draft is a public new features testing area that many bloggers don’t know about. It’s a great way to test out and give feedback on the latest features before they are released to the public site.

All you need to do is login to draft.blogger.com with your regular www.blogger.com username and password and you’ll get right in. You might not notice anything different at first except for the header logo and what you see will also depend on what features are currently being tested. For example, the latest two features that were just released were Scheduled Post Publishing and Blog List which you could have tested prior to February.

Keep in mind that being logged into draft.blogger.com still uses your actual live Blogger blogs so anything you publish, delete, etc will affect your live site(s).

To hear about the latest fixes, features, etc on Blogger in Draft, check out the Blogger in Draft Blog. It’s a great way to know what features are coming out soon and allows you to comment on them before being released. Certain features could get vetoed or added based on visitor feedback so your voice counts!

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One Response to “Get a Sneek Peek Into Blogger’s Latest Features”

Klajdi hena on Apr 7, 2008, 4:00 pm  

I heard about this before. Thanks for sharing though. It’s really nice.